We invite martin enthusiasts & families alike to join us in lots of free activities! Oconto City Park, along the Bay of Green Bay, includes playground, sand beach, pavilions and bathrooms.
The following organizations will be present with a booth:
Wisconsin Purple Martin Association: bird banding, presentations, silent auction & more
Bird City Oconto: bird information & children's bags
Bluebird Restoration Association WI: presentation, bluebird house opening & sale
Earthaven Museum with fossils & rock identification
Brown County Beekeeper Association: display & honey sale
Farnsworth Public Library: children's activities & storybook walk and more
Food Fundraiser by the Park & Recreation Department of Oconto
Live animals attractions:
Raptor Education Antigo -12 pm to 3 pm
Archie's Angel's Reptile Education -10 am to 4 pm